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Welcome to the German Naval History Research Group! We’re an informal group of like-minded historians with a strong interest in German naval history. We’re not bound to a single era or a single German navy—whether the Preußische Marine, the Kaiserliche Marine, Reichsmarine, Kriegsmarine, Bundesmarine/Volksmarine, or since 1995, the Deutsche Marine—and we may occasionally branch off to the K.u.K. Kriegsmarine. We are interested in a broad range of topics and different methodological approaches, from peacetime developments to wartime operations (of course) of the Kaiserliche Marine and Kriegsmarine in both World Wars, to the leadership of the navies, the interwar period of the Reichsmarine, command and control, intelligence, ship design, the impact of culture, institutional memory and commemoration represented through different sources (film, popular fiction, and history), the Navy in NATO, and much more. Beyond our immediate group, we have other colleagues world-wide that we interact with on a regular basis who have similar backgrounds and who have enriched our collaboration and work. We especially would enjoy working with aspiring students considering the institution of navies in society and conflict.

We hope this website will appeal to those who have similar enthusiasm for our work and will join us as we develop this site—whether you are a general reader of naval history, a student or serious scholar.

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In Memoriam

Dr. Stephan Huck, 1970 - 2024 The German naval history community suffered another loss this past month with the passing of Dr. Stephan...

In Memoriam

Kapitän zur See Dr. Jörg Hillmann 26 June 1963 – 21 October 2023 The field of German naval history suffered a tremendous loss on...

Home: Blog2


Thanks for your interest in the German Naval History Research Group. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!

rotor-cipher-machine (photo by skeeze at
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